军事 woman in uniform.

当你感到健康和安全时,你可以在课堂内外表现得最好. 你的整体健康和幸福是学业和职业成功的重要组成部分. 我们编制了一份资源清单,为服务人员提供各种帮助, veterans and their families. 

Health Care and Disability Resources

美国红十字会: 的 Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with and respond to the challenges of military service.


Arundel Lodge, 退伍军人 Wellness Program: 的 退伍军人 Wellness Program at Arundel Lodge provides a holistic, person-centered approach in addressing the psychological, social, 情感, physical and environmental needs of military veterans and their families.

Disabled American 退伍军人 (DAV): DAV为退伍军人提供帮助,使他们能够获得和获得各种福利.


扶起兽医当前位置Life A Vet是一个501(C)(3)马里兰州的非营利组织,旨在帮助世界各地的退伍军人及其家人解决他们在生活中可能面临的挑战, linked to their military service. 他们为退伍军人提供行动和交通援助等服务.

National Center for PTSD, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs国家创伤后应激障碍中心的使命是促进美国退伍军人和其他经历过创伤的人的临床护理和social福利, or who suffer from PTSD, 通过研究, 教育, and training in the science, 诊断, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.

史蒂文A. Cohen 军事 Family Clinic at Easterseals:科恩诊所, located in Silver Spring, gives veterans and family members high-quality, accessible and integrated outpatient mental health care. 

TRICARE (军事 Health System): TRICARE is the health care program for uniformed 服务人员, retirees and their families around the world.

退伍军人 Affairs (VA) Maryland Health Care System这个卫生保健组织为马里兰州的退伍军人提供照顾和服务. 巴尔的摩, Loch Raven and Perry Point VA Medical Centers, in addition to five community based outpatient clinics, work together to form this integrated health care delivery system. 

退伍军人危机热线: Call 800-273-8255 and press 1. 文本838255. 使用 网上聊天. Connect with the 退伍军人危机热线 to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of 退伍军人 Affairs. Many of them are veterans themselves. 的 退伍军人危机热线 is free, confidential and available every day, 24/7, 致所有退伍军人, 服务人员, and their family and friends. 

Women 退伍军人 Health Care女性退伍军人项目经理可在全国每个退伍军人医疗中心协助女性退伍军人和协调服务. 有兴趣在VA接受治疗的女性退伍军人应该联系最近的VA医疗中心.

Wounded Warrior Project:受伤勇士项目提供各种各样的项目和服务,以帮助遭受身体或精神伤害的退伍军人和服务人员, illness or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001. 

黄丝带基金该基金为受伤的退伍军人及其家属在康复期间提供住房和交通. 退伍军人 will be given caregiver support when and where it is needed.


自由之犬: 自由之犬 provides specially trained hearing dogs, 服务的狗, 与战斗有关的创伤后应激障碍犬和治疗犬,为华盛顿-巴尔的摩大都会社区的残疾人提供帮助.

吉他4老兵这个独特的吉他指导项目有利于与身体受伤作斗争的退伍军人, PTSD and other 情感 distress.

Maryland 的rapeutic Riding:港铁的服务利用马的治愈和治疗能力,改善儿童和身体有残疾的成人的身体健康和福祉, 情感 and developmental disabilities. 参与者还包括处理创伤后应激障碍的退伍军人和受伤的服务人员, 创伤性脑损伤, 抑郁症, 焦虑和截肢.

Maryland 退伍军人 Service Animal Program马里兰州退伍军人服务动物计划为训练服务犬和为退伍军人提供马治疗的服务动物计划提供赠款. 


退伍军人瑜伽项目: 退伍军人瑜伽项目, an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, 努力维护我们退伍军人宣誓维护的荣誉和承诺. Working in partnership with veterans, active-duty military personnel, student veterans’ organizations, and other non-profit organizations, VYP-trained instructors teach over 100 免费瑜伽课程 each week for veterans and their families.

Virtuous Wellness Center: VWC为每个年龄和康复阶段提供一对一的物理治疗和按摩治疗. 

兽医之声:现场和虚拟音乐表演由专业歌手和音乐家展示40年代的曲调, '50s, '60s, '70s and patriotic songs are offered for those living in veterans' homes.

Housing and 就业 Resources

Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corp.安妮阿伦德尔县职业中心有专门的工作人员,专门为退伍军人工作,帮助他们找工作和满足职业需求. 

CareerOneStop Veteran and 军事 Transition Center: This one-stop website offers help with 就业, training and 金融 help after military service.

Easterseals 首页less 退伍军人 Reintegration 项目 (HVRP): HVRP帮助无家可归的退伍军人为克服寻找长期住房和就业的困难打下基础.

Maryland's American Job Centers: Job seeker services include career exploration assistance, referrals to training programs, 位置服务, résumé preparation assistance, and workshops to enhance job seeking skills and work readiness.

Maryland Center for 退伍军人 Education and Training (MCVET)MCVET为无家可归的退伍军人和其他有需要的退伍军人提供全面的服务, from health care to 住房, 这将使他们能够作为有生产力的公民重新加入社区.

Maryland Department of Labor Veteran Services: Local veterans 就业 representatives work with businesses, 当地承包商和雇主组织为退伍军人发展就业机会. This includes Disabled 退伍军人 Outreach Program (DVOP).

Maryland Workforce Exchange: MWE在一个网站上提供了一套完整的就业工具. 


加里·辛尼斯基金会Gary Sinise基金会创建并支持各种独特的娱乐节目, 教育, 激励, strengthen and build communities.

勇士的希望:勇士希望在全国范围内为军人提供全面的支持项目, veterans and military families that are focused on transition, 健康和福利, 同伴交往, and connections to community resources.

Maryland Court Help Center:为没有律师的个人在民事案件中提供免费法律帮助. 


United Way of Central Maryland:马里兰州中部联合之路通过增加获得保健等基本需求的机会来加强家庭和社区, 住房, 就业 and 教育.

退伍军人 Court, Maryland Judiciary退伍军人法庭或退伍军人待遇法庭是专门为那些在参与刑事司法系统之前在武装部队服役的非暴力居民提供的. 退伍军人参与者与导师配对,导师也是退伍军人,可以为健康提供支持和指导, 就业, 法律, 金融, counseling and other services. 的 United Way of Central Maryland 支持巴尔的摩市和安妮阿伦德尔县的退伍军人治疗法庭. 

YMCA of Central Maryland: 的 Y is a mission-driven, 一个位于马里兰州中部的慈善组织,致力于通过建立健康精神的项目来开发每个人的全部潜力, 身心俱备.



军事/Veteran Resource Center




如果你害怕,你将无法避免伤害自己或他人, 拨打911或去离你最近的医院急诊室.

For other mental health emergency assistance:

Anne Arundel County Crisis Response Warmline

Maryland Crisis Hotline 24/7

使用 在线聊天

Pro Bono Counseling Warmline


Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

211年马里兰州 24/7
Text Zip code to 898-211
使用 在线聊天

特雷弗计划 24/7


Anne Arundel County Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline