
I.  目的

A. This 学术不端行为指控程序暂行办法 (“Procedure”) is established to implement the Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) Board of Trustee’s 学术诚信政策 (“Policy”) and 解决学术不端行为指控程序.

B. 如解决学术不端指控中所定义, the Coordinator will conduct a Preliminary Inquiry and consider 临时措施. If the Coordinator determines that 临时措施 are appropriate, the Coordinator will impose the 临时措施 in accordance with this Procedure.

II.  适用范围及适用性

A. This Procedure applies to 对学术不端行为指控的回应.

B. This Procedure does not apply to non-academic misconduct or student grievances, which will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the applicable policy and procedures.

3.  定义

A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy or the 解决学术不端行为指控程序.

IV.  临时措施

A. 临时措施可包括但不限于:

1. Suspending a Respondent on an interim basis pending the outcome of the allegations;

2. 禁止访问, 亲自或以电子方式, to the classroom(s) or 高校信息技术资源 by contacting Information and Instructional Technology;

3. 发出相互禁止联系的命令, including but not limited to restrictions that may prevent in-person, 电话的, 电子和/或第三方通信或联系;

4. Taking other reasonable measures to ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the Investigation and the normal function of the learning environment and operations of the College.

B. 发布暂行办法

1. 初步研讯期间, the Coordinator may consider whether 临时措施 should be imposed to ensure the safety of any person or 大学社区; protect the College’s information technology resources; protect the integrity of the Investigation; or prevent actions that may impede normal 大学操作.

2. If the Coordinator determines that 临时措施 are appropriate during the Preliminary Inquiry, the Coordinator will include the 临时措施 in the Notice. 

3. 如果禁止进入是临时措施的一部分, the Coordinator will specify which classes and resources the Respondent will be prohibited from accessing, 根据指控.

4. If the Coordinator determines that 临时措施 are appropriate after the Notice has been provided, the Coordinator will provide notice of the 临时措施 to the Respondent in writing.

5. The Coordinator will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any 临时措施 are implemented in a way that has the least adverse impact on the Respondent during the Investigation and the determination of the allegations, including working with the Respondent and the Faculty Member(s) for any course(s) in which the Respondent is enrolled to arrange for the Respondent to submit coursework or assessments through alternative means or changing coursework or assessments, 根据需要, to permit the Respondent to receive a grade in the course(s) should the Respondent be found not responsible.

V. 就临时措施发表意见的机会

A. The College will give the Respondent an opportunity to be heard regarding the issuance of any 临时措施.

B. 对暂行办法提出异议, 被申请人必须向AVPL提交书面异议, including the reason(s) that the Respondent believes the 临时措施 are improper, within five (5) Business Days of the date that the notice of 临时措施 was sent to the Respondent.

C. The AVPL or designee may make a decision based on the written submission or at AVPL’s or designee’s sole discretion, may request additional information from the Respondent in writing or by inviting the Respondent to a meeting in person, 通过电话, 或透过电子方式.  The designee cannot be the College Representative or a member of the Hearing Board.

1. 会议期间, the AVPL or designee may discuss with the Respondent whether the conduct and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the continued presence of the Respondent on College property or having access to the College’s classrooms or information technology resources poses a threat to the safety of any person, 大学社区, 大学操作, 高校信息技术资源, 或调查的完整性.

2. The AVPL or designee will not discuss the merits of the allegation(s) in the Notice.

D. The AVPL or designee may request information from the Coordinator who issued the 临时措施 in writing.

E. The AVPL or designee will consider the information provided by the Respondent and/or the Coordinator and decide whether to uphold, 修改, or reverse the issuance of 临时措施 within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Respondent’s written objection.  This Deadline can be extended by the AVPL or designee if needed to collect information needed to make a decision regarding 临时措施.

F. The AVPL’s or designee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed or grieved.

G. If not included in the Decision on the allegations in the Notice, 《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》自决定发布之日起终止.

程序名称: 学术不端行为指控程序暂行办法

政策类别: 学术事务

政策的所有者: 教务长/学习副总裁

策略管理员: 负责学习和学术事务的副校长

联系信息: 稍后通知

批准日期: 2023年5月24日

有效日期: 8月. 26, 2023

历史: N/A

适用于: 对学术不端行为指控的回应

相关政策: 学术诚信政策


形式/指南: N/A

相关法律: N/A